Do you feel love or friendship for her/him? Many people have experienced this kind of situation where you feel lost in a relationship. This is because sometimes the line between friendship and love is very fine. Start by making the difference between the two.


A relationship between two or more people, friendship is a feeling of affection. You will befriend someone who is similar to you. Generally speaking, this person shares the same principles, the same humours, the same worries as you. Mutual support and trust between you is natural. You know that you can always count on your friend and so can he/she. You feel that you have nothing to hide from him/her, or at least not much. This is because you are not trying to seduce him/her. You don't even have to choose what clothes to wear to see your friend. In fact, friendship is like a brotherly relationship, but without the blood tie.


Note that we are talking about "erotic" love here. Because you can love family members, friends, or your spouse, but not in the same way. This love is pretty much the same as friendship. But the difference is that you will have sexual attraction. Being in love leads to more romantic and passionate behaviour towards each other. If you are on a date with a friend, you will not have a racing heart, or that warm feeling that rises as soon as you see them. But in love, you will. From the moment you feel this feeling, you will feel a need to seduce the other person. Unlike friendship, you will want to kiss him/her.


Despite these seemingly simplistic notions, there is often confusion. There are times when you, or your friend, feel that you want more than friendship. Only there is the fear of spoiling a good relationship. Would the fact that the other person knows you by heart be an advantage if you got together? Yet you dream of making personal plans with the person. And unlike friendship, jealousy is often present in love. Conversely, the fact that you no longer have a sexual desire for your partner, but still feel affection for him/her, can be a sign that love has turned into friendship.